Filter 3D nodes

List nodes in a project, filtered by node names or node property values specified by supplied filters. This operation supports pagination and partitions. If the model revision is still being processed, you will get a HTTP status 400 when accessing nodes too early. Wait until the retrieve revision response returns "status":"Done" before calling nodes endpoints.

Securityoidc-token or oauth2-client-credentials or oauth2-open-industrial-data or oauth2-auth-code
path Parameters
integer <int64>

Model ID.

integer <int64>

Revision ID.

Request Body schema: application/json
One of:

Filter request for nodes. Filters nodes with properties matching ones in a list of alternatives.

object (Node3DPropertyFilter)

Filters used in the search.

integer [ 1 .. 1000 ]
Default: 100

Limits the number of results to return.

string (Partition)

Splits the data set into N partitions. The attribute is specified as a "M/N" string, where M is a natural number in the interval of [1, N]. You need to follow the cursors within each partition in order to receive all the data.

To prevent unexpected problems and maximize read throughput, you should at most use 10 (N <= 10) partitions.

When using more than 10 partitions, CDF may reduce the number of partitions silently. For example, CDF may reduce the number of partitions to K = 10 so if you specify an X/N partition value where X = 8 and N = 20 - i.e. "partition": "8/20"- then CDF will change N to N = K = 10 and process the request. But if you specify the X/N partition value where X = 11 (X > K) and N = 20 - i.e. "partition": "11/20"- then CDF will reply with an empty result list and no cursor in the response.\

In future releases of the resource APIs, Cognite may reject requests if you specify more than 10 partitions. When Cognite enforces this behavior, the requests will result in a 400 Bad Request status.


A list of nodes satisfying the supplied node property filters.


The response for a failed request.

Request samples
  • "filter": {
    • "properties": {
  • "limit": 100,
  • "cursor": "4zj0Vy2fo0NtNMb229mI9r1V3YG5NBL752kQz1cKtwo",
  • "partition": "1/10"
Response samples
  • "items": [
    • {
  • "nextCursor": "string"