Create a projectDeprecated

Create a project in the specified organization, in the given cluster. The project is immediately available for login in Cognite applications, for example through Cognite Data Fusion.

Cluster placement

The chosen cluster must be one of the allowed clusters for the organization.

The project cannot be moved to a different cluster after creation, so make sure to choose the correct one with respect to data locality requirements.

Project OIDC configuration

The OIDC configuration will be copied from the immediate parent organization.

The caller can, and should, set an initial admin group ID for the project. That group is managed by the external identity provider, as for the organization. If that group is not set, the project will inherit the admin group ID of the organization it's created in. See the projectAdminGroupId field in the request body for more details on this behavior.

Access control

Requires the caller to be an admin in the organization, or any of its ancestors. In addition, the flag adminsCanCreateProjectsInSubtree must be set to true in that organization.

Example: Assume an organization hierarchy like: org-a -> org-b -> org-c. To create a project in org-c, which means calling 'POST /api/admin/orgs/org-c/projects', the caller must be an admin in org-a, org-b or org-c. Also, adminsCanCreateProjectsInSubtree must be true in that same organization.

path Parameters
string (OrgId) [ 3 .. 64 ] characters ^([a-z][a-z0-9-]{1,62}[a-z0-9])$

ID of an organization

Example: my-org
Request Body schema: application/json

A request to create a new project

string (ProjectUrlName) [ 3 .. 32 ] characters

The URL name of the project. This is used as part of the request path in API calls.

Valid URL names contains between 3 and 32 characters, and may only contain English letters, digits and hyphens, must contain at least one letter and may not start or end with a hyphen.

string (ClusterName) [ 1 .. 32 ] characters ^[a-z0-9-]{1,32}$

A CDF cluster name

string [ 3 .. 64 ] characters

The ID of the externally-managed group that contains the project's admins.

  • If omitted, the project will inherit the admin group ID of the organization under which it is created. That value might be null.
  • If set to a (non-null) string, the project will have that group as its admin group, overriding the organization's admin group ID.
  • If explicitly set to null, the project will not have an admin group ID. Note that this will make the project inaccessible, and only a Cognite admin can make it accessible.

A successfully created project


Creation forbidden: The caller is not allowed to create projects.

Request samples
  • "name": "publicdata",
  • "clusterName": "westeurope-1",
  • "projectAdminGroupId": "my-external-group"
Response samples
  • "name": "publicdata",
  • "clusterName": "westeurope-1",
  • "projectAdminGroupId": "my-external-group"