List time series

List time series. Use nextCursor to paginate through the results.

Securityoidc-token or oauth2-client-credentials or oauth2-open-industrial-data or oauth2-auth-code
query Parameters
integer <int32> [ 1 .. 1000 ]
Default: 100

Limits the number of results to return. CDF returns a maximum of 1000 results even if you specify a higher limit.

Default: true

Whether the metadata field should be returned or not.


Cursor for paging through results.

Example: cursor=4zj0Vy2fo0NtNMb229mI9r1V3YG5NBL752kQz1cKtwo

Splits the data set into N partitions. The attribute is specified as a "M/N" string, where M is a natural number in the interval of [1, N]. You need to follow the cursors within each partition in order to receive all the data.

To prevent unexpected problems and maximize read throughput, you should at most use 10 (N <= 10) partitions.

When using more than 10 partitions, CDF may reduce the number of partitions silently. For example, CDF may reduce the number of partitions to K = 10 so if you specify an X/N partition value where X = 8 and N = 20 - i.e. "partition": "8/20"- then CDF will change N to N = K = 10 and process the request. But if you specify the X/N partition value where X = 11 (X > K) and N = 20 - i.e. "partition": "11/20"- then CDF will reply with an empty result list and no cursor in the response.

In future releases of the resource APIs, Cognite may reject requests if you specify more than 10 partitions. When Cognite enforces this behavior, the requests will result in a 400 Bad Request status.

Example: partition=1/10
string <jsonArray(int64)> (JsonArrayInt64)

Gets the time series related to the assets. The format is a list of IDs serialized as a JSON array(int64). Takes [ 1 .. 100 ] unique items.

Example: assetIds=[363848954441724, 793045462540095, 1261042166839739]
string <jsonArray(int64)> (JsonArrayInt64)

Only includes time series that have a related asset in a tree rooted at any of these root assetIds.

Example: rootAssetIds=[363848954441724, 793045462540095, 1261042166839739]
string (CogniteExternalIdPrefix) <= 255 characters

Filter by this (case-sensitive) prefix for the external ID.

Example: externalIdPrefix=my.known.prefix

A list of time series in lexicographic order.

Request samples
const timeseries = await client.timeseries.list({ filter: { assetIds: [1, 2] }});
Response samples
  • "items": [
    • {
  • "nextCursor": "string"